Enterprise Solutions

DigiELES – Digital transformation of the ELES value chain


DigiELES – Digital transformation of the ELES value chain through the deployment of advanced digital technologies and open innovation.


The main objective of the DigiELES project is to digitise ELES' business processes through the introduction and convergence of digital technologies and innovations (introduction of RPA robots for automated repetitive tasks, introduction of IoT, AR, VR, advanced platform for connecting partial digital twins) in all main business processes (logistics, network maintenance, investments, customer communication, customer services). We expect to increase efficiency through improved business processes, increase productivity in the form of increased value added per employee and improved competitiveness in the domestic market.

The total cost of the operation amounts to EUR 4,297,015.00; the amount of co-financing is EUR 2,199,900.00.

Consortium partners:

● ELES d.o.o.,

● UNISTAR LC d.o.o.,

● BE-terna d.o.o.,

● TROIA Ltd,

● SMARTIS d.o.o,

● C & G d.o.o.,

● ART REBEL 9 d.o.o.,

● IGEA d.o.o.

The operation was selected for co-financing under the Call for Proposals "Digital Transformation of the Economy" (JR Digit NOO).

The investment is co-funded by the European Union under the Recovery and Resilience Fund - NextGenerationEU


3D environment, 3D virtual reality, VR software solutions, VR glasses, unique VR experiences, virtual reality, VR, HoloLens, virtual learning, virtual reality education, enhanced learning tools, new technologies, innovative technologies, interactivity, process simulation, eye tracking
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